First off I want to clearly state that we have very gracious and loving family living in the DFW metroplex that were more than happy to have us stay with them this last night of our Christmas visit!!! But because I knew one of them would have to get up and out pre-dawn in really hazardous conditions to get us to the airport 2-3 hrs in advance that I (not necessarily the airlines ) am comfortable with... I convinced Chuck that either way I was not going to get any good sleep and neither was he... in the comfort of a loved ones home or on a cot @ our gate... so around 11PM we were dropped off and managed to get our selves into our gate area. We made it just in time for the cot delivery but I knew I would not be using one. We camped out in front of a monitor that had CNN going not really to watch but to have it for background noise. Chuck settled in with his book and I tried to see if I could get wireless internet... but to no avail. Beth had sent us off w/ snacks, a puzzle book and our own blanket and travel pillow! I did puzzles for a little until my eyes couldn’t focus, ate some trail mix and cookies then decided to stroll around w/ my camera to see what I could find.... this blog is a sampling of that stroll:

... you could pay to get internet but I guess I'm too cheap... most people that were on line were on Facebook! Telling their tale of woe to anyone that was up and still listening. ha!

It says free internet but it didn't seem to be set up for wireless!?

PS Did you spot the two Tigers?? I thought those were pretty telling... hhmmm? If you want to see more stillness in the night just click here.
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