I've been sitting back and trying to just chill for this first month.... exploring new blogs and finding new things that stike my fancy. I've chosen my word for the year and you can read about that
here. Somewhere... someone's blog(s) talked about clearing out and cleaning up so I've been doing some of that but that's for a later tale... But tonight I did find something that caught my attention! It's called
the One Word project. I thought it sounded like a project that I would enjoy participating in AND it could be pretty inspiring! Since it's the middle of January I looked thru a few images from the last couple of months to find one that fit January's word ... which is create! I've already checked the 'rules' to make sure I wasn't cheating to chose a back dated photo. I think this could be a fun way to challenge myself - with each new word of the month the
Shutter Sisters chose! Here is the first image I decided to post:

If you read this blog at all you might have already seen this ... since I just did this new inspiration board... but it's actually a little cooler if you take a look at the shot on
flickr as it has lots of notes!!!
I'm excited to be joining in on the fun!!! ... why don't you join me???