I am working on goodies for my new etsy shop! It's called thru cindi's eyes ~ just like my photo business. I will be incorporating some of my photography into my artwork and figure the name goes well for both...since it is all from my perspective!
Here are a few pictures of the mess that I've been making (ie: the fun that I've been havin'!!)...
This is where I sit and time stands still! Not really...time actually goes by way to
o fast ~ 4 hours feel like one. How does that happen? Does time play this trick on others??
These few days between Christmas and New Years were perfect for just laying around but that was not what my inner self had in mind!!
I've been working on some fun and sparkly cards fot the new year!! They are perfect for all those thank you notes you need to be sending out! I am having a bit of a problem getting the *sparkle* to show up in the photographs...hmmm maybe I will wait until the morning sun is shining in tomorrow.
Right now~that reminds me!!! I've got thank you notes to write!