Wednesday, March 12, 2008


We went up to Cincinnati ...Chuck had meetings and I had places to to take! Thankfully it was the first part of last week BEFORE the snowfall. Here are a couple of pictures of some friends ... I can't believe we will be looking for a house again up there! Exciting? Yes!Daunting? nope! Since we've already lived up there we know the area and that is such a big advantage!

Tuesday, March 11, 2008

photo shoot 2-08

I've been taking a break from the art's really fun to do but it gets frustrating ...and I will just leave it at that.

So, since it has been predetermined that I am a much happier person creating something ~ I turn my attention to photography. Had a photo shoot a few weeks ago with Wendy...and have since -in my spare time- been trying out different photo shop techniques.

So the next few posts will be the results of some of this playing.