Every year around this time I choose a word. A word to ponder. to recognize. to strive for. to live up to. to take action with. Last year it was grace. I'm not sure if I chose it or if it chose me but regardless, grace was my word. I am gladly just begining to see how huge that word is.. how abundantly my life is filled with GRACE.
This year's word is:
goodnessnoun1 she must have seen some goodness in him: virtue, good, righteousness,morality, integrity, rectitude; honesty, truth, truthfulness, honor,probity; propriety, decency, respectability, nobility, worthiness, worth,merit, trustworthiness; blamelessness, purity.2 the neighbor's goodness toward us: kindness, kindliness,tenderheartedness, humanity, mildness, benevolence, graciousness;tenderness, warmth, affection, love, goodwill; sympathy, compassion,care, concern, understanding, tolerance, generosity, charity, leniency,clemency, magnanimity.3 slow cooking retains the food's goodness: nutritional value, nutrients,wholesomeness, nourishment.